Part-time Caretaker- Rottingdean Whiteway Centre
Rottingdean Whiteway Centre (RWC) is looking for a part time caretaker/cleaner to work alongside two other caretakers. Two hours each weekday, from 06.30 to 08.30, ten hours per week, for 52 weeks a year with four weeks paid holiday.
This job involves cleaning the Centre to make ready for the day’s activities. There will be occasional extra weekend or holiday/sickness cover for the other caretakers, which includes the setting out of tables and chairs, and any computer and projection equipment required for the education courses or hirers of the halls.
Pay is currently £12 per hour (from September 2021) and is reviewed annually in September. A fuller job description is available on request.
If you are interested, please contact Lynn Hutchinson (Chair RWC) on 07845945745 or ) |